Higney, A., Hanley, N., and Moro, M., (2022). The Lead-Crime Hypothesis: A Meta-Analysis. Regional Science and Urban Economics. Appendix, Data
Szaszi, B., Higney, A., Charlton, A., Gelman, A., Ziano, I., Aczel, B., Goldstein, D.G., Yeager, D.S. and Tipton, E., 2022. No reason to expect large and consistent effects of nudge interventions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(31), p.e2200732119.
Working Papers
Higney, A., Hanley, N., and Moro, M., 2024. The Impact of Lead Water Pollution on Birth Outcomes: A Natural Experiment in Scotland. Appendix
Higney, A., Hanley, N., Moro, M., and Gasteen, A., 2022. The Impact of Lead Pollution on Human Capital Formation: Size of Dose Matters
Works in Progress
Higney, A., 2022. Meta-Regression and Forecasting
Anthony Higney, Claire Buchan, Simon Butler, Melissa Marselle, Eleanor Ratcliffe, Konrad Uebel, and Nick Hanley, 2024. The Effect of Birdsong on Self-reported Mental Well-Being. Pre-analysis plan.
Anthony Higney, Claire Buchan, Simon Butler, Melissa Marselle, Eleanor Ratcliffe, Konrad Uebel, and Nick Hanley, 2024. Does Hearing a Natural Soundscape Change Stated Preference Valuations: a Choice Experiment.
Anthony Higney, Claire Buchan, Simon Butler, Melissa Marselle, Eleanor Ratcliffe, Konrad Uebel, and Nick Hanley, 2024. The Effect of Local Soundscapes on Anti-Depressant Prescriptions.
Published Work (non-peer reviewed)
Higney, A., and Gibb, K., (2022). A cost-benefit analysis of a traditional Glasgow tenement net zero retrofit. UK Centre for Housing Evidence.